Friday, March 13, 2015

Family- Work and Wholesome Recreation

Reading and understanding more about work and "wholesome recreation" has really been so helpful for me right now. As a youth leader for the young women, there are many opportunities to share insights and learning in our Sunday class about these particular subjects. These wonderful young women are eager to share their experiences and opinions, but I am not sure they (or I) am able to share the real meaning of the importance of work in the home, in our lives, and in the eternal scheme of things. I have also seen the social science research about the benefits of helping in the home in "family care" (doing things to help the entire family) as opposed to just completing "self care" (cleaning my room, my mess, etc..) I really enjoyed reading an article by Kathleen Bahr and Cheri Loveless titled Family Work from BYU magazine. I want to be able to read this again and again for the wonderful message that was taught in the article.

I've also gained a better understanding of recreation-- the benefits in my life and what this type of activity can be in my family. So often we think of "fun" as something completely different than what we really need. The simply acquirement of pleasure, comfort, and wealth are not the key ingredients that make a person happy. Many of the activities that we participate in for recreation only bring a temporary moment of "happiness"... and one that we quickly adapt to. We then need to find something else, something bigger and better to enjoy. This is a cycle of finding comfort or pleasure simply in itself, thinking that we will be happier if we had more comforts in our life.

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